Become part of our community

Fish and chips after prayer walk

You are invited to join us as we prepare to launch this compassionate, biblically-based community church, empowered by the Holy Spirit to be a beacon of hope and light to the people of South Tyneside. Until we launch the church plant in September, we are still operating as the South Shields Site of Life Vineyard Church.

Regular gatherings

Weekly Life Group | we meet on Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm in Westoe Road, South Shields

Weekly Prayer Meeting | we meet weekly on Thursday evenings, 7:30-8:30pm, to pray. You can join on Zoom and in-person at Cleadon Park, South Shields

Sundays (From October)

Beacon Breakfast | Food, friendship and a short talk based on the Bible. First Sunday of every month, 10:30-12, Westoe Road, South Shields

StreetLife | Opportunities for outreach and compassion to bless the community. Second Sunday of every month

Family Church | A time for children and parents/carers to learn about Jesus through stories, games and crafts. Third Sunday of every month, 10:30-12, Westoe Road, South Shields

Restoration Sundays | Fourth Sunday of every month is a chance to hang out together and be in God’s presence

Autumn-term events

Commissioning Sunday | Sunday 22nd September, 10:30am at Life Vineyard Church, Wallsend

Prayer Walk & Lunch | Sunday 29th September, 11:00am, Westoe South Shields

Hear Our Vision | Join us as we share the vision God’s given us for his Kingdom and Church in South Tyneside (Friday 18th October, 8pm in South Shields)

Prayer and Worship Evening | Drop in/out on Friday 25th October, 6-9pm, Westoe Road, South Shields

Family Fun Time | Free activities for pre-school and primary aged children and their families. Saturday 2nd November (Half Term) in South Shields

Newcomers Meal | Meet some of our church community (Friday 15th November, 7pm, Cleadon Park, South Shields)

Beer & Carols | Stay tuned for more info…

Bible study
Home Group Bible Study

Support us in prayer and giving

As we step out on this missional adventure, we know many people will want to join us but don’t live in South Tyneside. If you feel called to support in prayer or financial giving, we would love to hear from you and are incredibly thankful for your partnership in mission.

Pray for us

Weekly Prayer Meeting | join us online for our weekly Thursday evening prayer meeting, 7:30-8:30pm.

Termly prayer letter | join our mailing list to receive a termly prayer letter with prayer points for the term and news on what God’s doing through the plant.

Financial support

In response to the infinite generosity that God has lavished upon us, we strive to be a generous church in all that we do and to steward our resources well.

All activities, gatherings and intiatives are funded through the generous giving of people like you. If you’d like to make a contribution on a reguar basis or as a one-off gift, the easiest way is to set up a bank transfer or regular standing order.

  • Bank: Lloyds Bank

  • Sort code: 30-99-50

  • Account number: 34772062

  • Account name: The Beacon Vineyard South Tyneside

  • Reference: We suggest adding a reference of “regular giving” or “one off gift”

Thank you!